Saturday, 24 May 2014

A day of shopping

So, Harvey Norman had a sale on for today only. We went and had a look around.. came out with empty wallets!.

We have been planning a new fridge, as the existing one is going to be used as a 'beer fridge' complete with 3 taps, and should hold 4-5 20 litre kegs.

The TV, well, it is still working somewhat, although the speakers are shot.. so we have a cheap stereo running the sound. As the kids were keen on a 3D TV, we also purchased a 3D blu-ray player. The old TV will still be used, and I still need a 'sound bar' rather than using the cheap stereo we have at the moment.

And a dryer, we have not had a dryer for many years. Where we are living at the moment, the clothes line is in the shade all day, and with the kids using at least 3 sets of clothes per day, it is hard to keep up! We wont be here much longer, but we always planned to get a dryer anyway.

So, here are our purchases for today

680 litre fridge that makes kell happy! :) Plumbed water and ice maker.

LG 60" LED-LCD 200Hz 3D smart TV

LG 3D Blu-Ray player

Clothes dryer

Have asked that the delivery of the fridge and TV be delayed until handover and they were OK with that! So once we have a handover date I simply call and ask for a delivery on the day we require!


  1. Excellent choice of fridge ;) We get ours tomorrow and I can't wait to have all of that space! Won't be long for you guys now. Just a tip - make sure you ask if they are issuing an interim occupancy certificate. They didn't do one for us so we need our driveway done before we can get the final and legally live in the house. Lucky we had already organised a concreter!

  2. Thanks Mel! :) fridge I wasn't so concerned with.. my wife on the other hand.. ;) The only requirement I had was 'it needs to be plumbed' as we had a fridge point installed and I didn't want it to go to waste :)

    As for the OC,I let MJH know last week when they sent the final invoice, that our bank/broker has actually asked for an OC(assume interim is sufficient) before they send their valuer and then released the funds. Have not heard back from anyone yet, but it seems this may be the only blocker at this point. Will see how it all pans out at the PCI on Tuesday! :)

    Surprised you did not get an OC? Our contract states the builder will make this application.. Also, not having a driveway shouldn't stop an interim does it?(Maybe council dependant..)

    1. Your wife is going to love the fridge Brad! Ours came today and when I saw it I was super worried it wouldn't fit into the recess - it is massive! Attaching the fridge to the water point wasn't so fun, the attachment is the wrong size for the water point so we are still hunting for the correct piece.

      It will be interesting to see what they do for you guys, but we were told they have lodged the final certificate which will sit at 'pending' until the driveway goes down. I think it was $250 for us to purchase the interim certificate if we wanted it. It seemed really odd, I expected interim certificate and then to pay for the final one later.

      Good luck for PCI tomorrow. Take your time and check everything (including inside of cupboards where we missed a crack). :)

  3. Thanks Mel! Any other pointers for PCI?

    When you find the right fitting for the fridge you will have to let me know! :)

    1. Hmm PCI tips... Aside from the obvious checking for painting flaws and cracks, a few things we checked/missed were:
      - check all doors close properly, including handles being fastened tightly and hinges straight
      - Check silicone seals on sinks, baths, showers etc
      - Make sure toilet seats are secured tightly ( ours slid off when we sat on them!).
      - Check inside/outside on stacker door frames (we missed chips).
      - Make sure they have cleared ALL yard mess (we got left a nice buried piece of concrete to clean up - $200 later is is gone...).
      - Write everything down as you go
      - Ask them to hose out and check your gutters for metal filings - they rust and will cause you problems later.

      That's all that comes to mind. There will always be things you will notice once you're in the house in different light. I shall let you know about the fridge piece.
