Thursday, 30 January 2014

Plumbing completed

Today seen the underground pipework completed on site. Next, piering and formwork? :)

View from right hand boundary

View from Front

View from Front


  1. Had a quick sticky beak at your block today, looking good! Was good to see the driveway slope doesn't look as bad as I was expecting, so Im hoping ours will end up similar!

  2. Hey Chris,
    Yes it is slowly taking shape. Hoping for some piers and formwork this week.
    Our driveway is right on the limits for the lake mac driveway gradient so if your sticking to the rules our angle is the worst it can get. :)

  3. Hey Chris,
    Yes it is slowly taking shape. Hoping for some piers and formwork this week.
    Our driveway is right on the limits for the lake mac driveway gradient so if your sticking to the rules our angle is the worst it can get. :)

  4. yeah same with ours, we had to move the house back an extra metre for it to suit the slope. Where we live now is like a mountain so that will be a nice change!
