Wednesday, 22 January 2014

Site cut

Some pics of the site cut in progress. They started about 7am and finished just after 4pm.

The only concern I have, is that the cut was meant to be around 986mm, but at the back right hand corner it is around 1100mm.

Site works completed
I received the following SMS from MJH at 10:44am. I was quite surprised, but went for a drive past anyway.. Site works were still ongoing :)

SMS received from McDonald Jones


  1. Jealous as mate! Cant wait til they move down the road a bit!

  2. I seen them pegging your block yesterday. Wont be long until you start I guess?

  3. Ah really? It's been ages since we have been there! We are doing electricals Friday and with all luck sign building contracts following Friday. So we are really hoping for a mid February start! How long until they pour the slab?

  4. Have not been given a date for the slab. Am I greedy by hoping for by end of next week? :)

  5. Haha, the short week might be your undoing for that to happen!
