Tuesday, 25 November 2014

Backyard excavation

So, we decided we need to remove a load of dirt from the backyard before the block behind us starts building. It costs a lot more if there is no access to where you are excavating.

So, to comply with council we could take 600mm out up to 1metre within each boundary without having any approvals. so this is what we did!

The backyard is not shaped nor complete, but gives a better indication of what it will look like.

Leveled off

No, that's not the start of a retaining wal! They are just there to block the mud when it rains :)
However, this is where the retaining wall will go when we get to that point 

Saturday, 15 November 2014

Finally some turf!

Well, only the nature strip but it makes a huge difference.

The front steps are now completed also.

I was only going to do the soil today but decided to leave early for the turf farm and pick up some buffalo to complete the job. Am happy with the results! Also got enough to fill in between our boundary and the neighbours driveway,

Initially I thought I would use 2.25 cubic metres of soil but decided to order 4, and use the rest up the top.. It doesn't go very far! I used all 4 metres on the nature strip.

Had to do some fancy 'grading' to ensure the wall height was below 900mm to satisfy council.. so there is a bit oif a dip into the NBN comms pit.

4 Cubic metres of soil delivered

62 Sq Metres of Buffalo - Pixkup

Hopefully, next week we can start on the top section!

Saturday, 8 November 2014

Front steps oh so close

Almost there! Our landscaper was back to complete the steps today. all that was remaining was the treads and pavers on the landing. Unfortunately, there was a couple of the bullnose pavers missing, so he will be back on Wednesday to lay the final 2 steps.

Oh, and I think I'm gonna need a bigger boat! Picked up the new car on Tuesday.