Wednesday, 6 August 2014

Retaining wall issues...

Finally, today we started the work on the retaining walls. Has been a long time coming.

However, all is not as it seems! Whilst digging out the footings, our landscaper ran in to issues with the pipework - sewer and charged down pipe system. They are right under where the footings need to go, and extend out to within 200mm of the boundary. This means a whole new process needs to take place. Why did MJH extend the downpipes that far towards the boundary? If it had of been one pipe, our landscaper would of been able to pier the current design, but because we have two pipes running parallel right squat on the middle there is nowhere to pier.

We need to have an engineer design a reinforced wall and footings with piering, drains(not the ag pipe behind the wall mind you) and potentially up to 250mm deep concrete pad. The engineer alone is expected to cost around $1500-1600 and the landscaper gave a verbal estimate of around $10k.. that's just for the footings and associated works! He will be sending through a better estimate tonight/tomorrow, but needs to wait for the engineering before he can provide an exact estimate. I guess one advantage, is the footing will also be a path down the side of the house.

I think I need to go fishing.

On a brighter note, we purchased our firs piece of art!

I'm not really an 'arty' person.. but we needed something. It was hand painted, and turned out with more yellow and less blue/white than I wanted and was thinking about sending it back... But it didnt look too bad. :)

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