Friday, 21 August 2015

Did someone say turf?

So, before we start talking about the turf, lets talk fencing..

After 2 site visits, one for a quote and another to verify site conditions/levels etc, we  waited about 5-6 weeks for our scheduled start date which was Monday. Unfortunately they called the week before saying they had been delayed and they couldn't start until Wednesday. OK, fair enough..

Tuesday evening another call.. delayed. Cant start till Thursday.

Thursday they turn up - and leave. Need longer posts. Job doesn't start. Mind you, they didnt tell me this, the neighbour told me.

Friday, get a call. Cant start with longer posts until mid/end Sept.

OK, I have no patience.. so sacked 'em. Got my deposit back.. so we are now looking for a fencer again! Joy.

Ahhh Turf. Finally turf out the back. Not much to say here but post some pics! It is looking a bit brown at the moment due to the mud left on the leaves after being rolled in. I'll post some pics in another month or so.. am hoping it cleans up and is nice and green at the end of September, which being Spring should help it get a move on! ;)

Start of laying the sod

Begin rolling


And now we water water water

Wednesday, 19 August 2015

Backyard prepped for turf

Backyard finally prepared and ready for new turf!

The soil ended up between 100mm(at rear wall) and almost 200mm deep near the bigger front wall. This levelled it out as bit as there was around a 100mm slope from back to front.

Also put the capping on.. makes it look a little more complete. Like the front however, I have not yet glued them down as I need to mitre a few of them to make the corners look better. I have a small angle grinder, but I'm not sure Ill get the perfect cut by hand that I want.. Might give a test run on a couple a bit later.

Tuesday, 18 August 2015

Occupancy Certificate!

Well, after 14 months on an interim and weekends filled with loads of retaining walls we finally got our OC today.

I just have some turf out the back to lay and then...

We go fishing.. :)

Tuesday, 11 August 2015

Clothesline in all it's glory

It has taken us 1 year, 1 month, and 24 days. Or simply, 419 days to finally get the clothes line in! Well, there was reason for not doing it sooner. We still cannot use it, as there are no fences and the dust from around the place would just defeat the purpose of clean clothes anyway.

With the side fence coming in a weeks time, Ill start organising the rear fence shortly and then we can stop using the dryer!

Sunday, 9 August 2015

backyard 090815

More work continuing today. I started working the soil to the correct levels. I ran out of soil and Kel had the car, so I then started on finally installing the clothes line! I tell you what the first 8 inches was like trying to dig through rock it was that hard!

Hopefully next weekend I can have the entire yard levelled correctly and then the week after lay the turf!

String line to get the levels. Those dodgy looking blocks.. they will be removed. They are just holding back the soil!

This was all I got to. An additional 1.7 cubic metres of soil went in to levels this section

Finally got the clothes line in!

Saturday, 8 August 2015

Backyard turf preparation

Just a few images to capture the progress in the back yard. Last weekend I imported 5 cubes of soil and yesterday I started spreading it out.

Today I make another few trips to the landscape supplies for more soil. I want a 100mm-150mm coverage of soil for the new turf as the underlying ground is solid.. clay.. crap..

5 Cubic metres

The star picket depicts where the clothes line will go